
In this section, you can browse through our wide range of News articles. The most recent news is at the top of the page:

Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England has warned that the world's financial systems are threatened by climate change and are at risk if they don't reform. Mr Carney, together with François Villeroy de Galhau, the Governor of the Banque de France wrote an open letter yesterday outlining the dangers they feel climate change poses to the global economy.

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Over 400 people have now been arrested at the Extinction Rebellion protests being held in London. For four days now, protesters have been blocking key roads and landmarks in the capital, including Waterloo Bridge, Vauxhall Bridge, Parliament Square, Marble Arch, Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus.

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A new report on behalf of Energy Innovation, a US-based company producing research on energy and environmental policy has found that renewable energy like wind and solar power could already be cheaper for US consumers than 74% of coal-based energy, and this will increase to 86% by 2025.

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Yesterday, the UK government rejected requests by fracking firms to review the strict rules in place to control seismic activity caused by their operations. Both Cuadrilla and Ineos had appealed for a relaxation of the limits, which state that fracking operations must stop if a tremor greater than 0.5 magnitude is detected.

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The Met Office has warned that at some point between now and 2023, the lowest target for global average temperature increases set by the Paris agreement could be reached, at least temporarily.  In a five year forecast released yesterday, the organisation’s meteorologists said that there was a 10% chance that global warming (currently running at an increase in average global temperatures of 0.2C per decade) could combine with an El Niňo event to produce a year in which global annual temperatures were raised to 1.5C above pre-Industrial levels.

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More than two weeks of climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland that ended on 15 December 2018 have resulted in clarity for the ‘rulebook’ that will dictate how the Paris agreement of 2015 is actually put into force.  But the ambition expressed before the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) - that of increasing government targets around the global for cutting carbon emissions - has not been successful.  

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The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the United Nations’ body of climate experts, has stated in its provisional report ‘State of the Climate in 2018’ that the last four years have been the hottest on record, whilst the top 20 hottest years have all occurred in the last 22 years. If current trends continue, global average temperatures look set to rise between 3C and 5C by 2100.

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