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Episode 5 of the YPTE Podcast is now available to listen to from wherever you get your podcasts. Our guest is Ellie, a.k.a. Jen Zead, author of How To Fix the Planet (When You're a Teenager).

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New rules that are being introduced this summer should mean that fridges, washing machines, TVs and other home appliances should last longer and cost less to run. Ministers are implementing new rules from the EU, which are aiming to reduce the need for new raw materials whilst saving energy and saving consumers’ money.

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Joe Biden, the newly-inaugurated 46th President of the United States yesterday signed an executive order for the US to rejoin the Paris climate agreement. The action comes after former President Donald Trump withdrew America from the Paris agreement last year.

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The UK government’s official advisers on climate change, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) have released a new report, which sees the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2035 reducing by 78% when compared with 1990 levels. This new target vastly surpasses the carbon budget set in 2018, accelerating the path to net zero by 15 years, which the CCC said reflected recent rapid falls in renewable energy costs.

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On 1 December 2020, a group of 330 young people from 140 countries sent an open letter calling on world leaders to implement a set of realistic, yet progressive, youth-centred climate policies. Delegates at Mock COP26, an international climate conference led by young people, presented their draft Treaty to Nigel Topping, the High Level Climate Action Champion for COP26.

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