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Scientists at the Oxfordshire-based Joint European Torus (JET) laboratory made a significant breakthrough yesterday in their mission to harness the power of nuclear fusion - the energy that powers the stars.

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All kinds of climate records were broken in 2021, with a notable one being a new high for December of 19.4C set in Kodiak, Alaska. Meanwhile, China saw its hottest year ever, but perhaps even more dramatic than this was more than a year's worth of rain, which fell on Henan province in just three days, causing flooding, destroying homes and wrecking crops.

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Brazil's space agency, INPE, has found that in the past year, deforestation in the country has increased by 22%. Some 13,235 square kilometres of forest was destroyed in the last year, according to INPE's analysis of satellite data. That's the largest area since 2006.

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It's now almost a week since COP26 ended and as the dust settles, it's time to take a look at what came out of COP26. It was billed as a vital meeting to chart humanity's path towards a zero carbon future. But did it succeed? Not exactly, but it wasn't a failure either. Here's why:

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A lot has been happening at COP26 as it heads towards its conclusion at the end of this week.  Friday 5 November was 'focussed on youth activities'Youth Day' and saw thousands of young people, their teachers and parents taking to the streets of Glasgow in a protest originally organised by Greta Thunberg's Fridays for Future organisation.

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COP26 - the 26th Conference of the Parties got underway on 31 October 2021 at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow and is set to run until 12 November. The target for the two-week climate conference is for the world’s leaders to commit to keeping global temperatures from rising more than 1.5c above pre-Industrial levels, as set out in the Paris agreement, which was drawn up in 2015 at COP21 in Paris.

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This week, the UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson contradicted Kermit the Frog’s assertion that ‘It’s not easy being green’. In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 22 September, he declared that COP26 must be a ‘turning point for humanity.

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A new study, which asked 10,000 young people aged 16 to 25 from around the world about the anxiety they feel related to climate change has produced results that underline how important tackling climate change is to the majority of young people on the planet.

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A new scientific study, published in the journal Nature has found that if we want to have even a 50% chance of keeping global temperature increases below 1.5C, almost 60% of existing oil and gas reserves will need to stay in the ground, along with 90% of coal. The report concludes that we are currently at the peak of oil and gas production and that production will decline by 3% per year from now on.

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