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A new study of 259 bottles of drinking water from 19 locations in a total of nine countries has revealed that more than 93% of them contained microplastic - tiny pieces of plastic. Just 17 of the bottles sampled were free from microplastic, while one bottle of mineral water was discovered to contain 10,000 pieces of plastic per litre. An average of 325 pieces of microplastic were found for every litre of water tested.

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The grey squirrel is a great example of how introducing a species from another part of the world can have unintended consequences. Originally from America, grey squirrels were released in parklands in the UK during the 1870s. It was hoped that they would add interest and be a decorative addition to the landscape.

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Do you dream of becoming an award-winning chef? Create a Sustainable Business Premier Dish is an exciting opportunity for young people in the UK, France and Belgium who have an interest in environmental issues and cooking. It's a unique competition which challenges young people to develop a main course to be served on board Eurostar's most prestigious class of service.

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Delegates at the United Nations' global climate talks, which are being held for the next two weeks in Bonn, Germany, have seen new data published by the World Meteorological Organisation, showing that 2017 looks set to be in the top three warmest years on record for our planet.

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